If you want to change your payment details, you can do so by logging in to your 4th Utility Account.
Here you can change the following details:
Payment Method - Choose between paying by Direct Debit from a UK bank account or a recurring payment instruction from your Debit or Credit Card. You can switch the payment method itself or update the existing details to change your bank account or card details.
Go to Account Settings > Update Payment Method.
You will be prompted to confirm your Billing Address during this process, so if it is not the same as the address we supply the internet to, and you need to change it, you can do so here.
Account Password - You can select this option to change the password you use to log in to your 4th Utility Account. This is not the same as your WiFi Password.
Go to Account Settings > Update Account Password.
Email address or Phone number - if you need to update your email address or phone number, please contact us here <insert link for contact form> with the new details and we will update this for you.
Change of name - see this article for more information on changing the name on your account.