Can I supply my own router?

Yes, of course you can. If you prefer to use your own router, just let us know. Most routers use Ethernet connections, and so you will need a Bridge device from us. This allows our Fibre connection to terminate and pass the connectivity to your router via an Ethernet port.

We will supply a Bridge for you free of charge.

How do I set up my Bridge?

It's quite simple to set up your router and new Bridge when it arrives. Disconnect your router from the fibre and power. Plug your Bridge in to its own power supply and plug the fibre optic cable in to the Bridge. Then connect your own router to the Ethernet port on the Bridge.

Now head over to our website and log in to your 4th Utility Account

  • Go to Account Settings and click on your Order number to expand the menu.
  • Now select View Service Info
  • On the Service Info pop-up window, there will be some admin information and your PPPOE credentials. This is the info you need to set up your router.

Unfortunately, we can't tell you what to do next, this step is dependent on how your own router works. You will need to check the manufacturer's guide for further info. Below is an example for a TP Link router, so you can see how easy it is.

You should only follow these instructions when you are ready to switch over, you cannot pre-configure your set-up and then go back to using your 4th Utility supplied router. 

Setting up a TP Link Router with PPPOE Creds

On the router's management page, click Network > WAN on the left of the web page: Change the WAN Connection Type to PPPoE.
Enter your PPPoE username and password which are provided by your ISP.
Click Save to save your settings, then the router will connect to the Internet